The thing is when you take the tune too light or too easy or whatever you call it,you start to think everything is normal,and that is something i can't stand for. But i think i will keep whatching it just to see how worse will Valerie fuck up.
瓦尔达的歌词(paroles)写的太好了两位女性的成长故事Suzanne自学打字的经历太励志了堕胎&女性主义Suzanne啃着苹果给Pomme写信两个人的友谊真美好Suzanne的女儿长大后的演员是瓦尔达的女儿Rosalie(儿子也参演了)Tournee期间遇见的小男孩好可爱丈夫回到伊朗后立刻变成了un mari traditionnel无比现实Pomme说再要一个孩子这样我们就各自有一个了哦好吧